bioluminescence resonance energy transfer

BRET: bioluminescence resonance energy transfer

BRET (bioluminescence resonance energy transfer) based technology is a unique tool to explore protein-protein interactions and conformational changes of proteins or protein complexes in real time and in living cells.

BRET technology offers the advantage of highly sensitive and rapid investigation for:

  • Hit to lead and lead optimization: screening/identification/characterization of pharmacological ligands efficacy (agonists, antagonists, inverse agonists, partial agonists…)
  • Receptor research (activation, inactivation, dimerization, internalization..): Tyrosin kinase and G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)
  • Mapping of signalling pathways: protein translocation (Calcium / Calmoduline complexe formation), ubiquitination, autophagic process, kinase activity (cAMP binding and subsequent activation of protein kinase A), second messenger production (cAMP and Ca2+ pathways)